Foster your students with our K-12 content and let them achieve the current educational objectives. Our content encompasses knowledge, procedure, skills and much more making it a thorough learning and development centric.
Our K-12 content serves as the backbone of the teacher-student interaction constituting fundamental components of learning objective, with unique methodology followed by assessment which not only ensures enhancement of student’s knowledge but also their overall skill set.

50k+ HD animated and anchor-based videos
Help your students absorb, comprehend and analyse new information quickly with 50k+ full HD animated and anchor-based videos consisting of captivating images, engaging videos, interesting info graphics,
leaving a long-lasting impression on the curious and intuitive young minds.

Huge Question bank of 100000+ Questions
Using innovative teaching methodologies, we provide a vast array of questions designed with the viewpoint of students understanding conceptually and at precision covering all important typologies, ensuring better understanding and sharpening their time management skills making them pro at learning and exam point of view.

10000+ Interactive Tools for Revision
With the help of 10,000+ interactive revision tools, you can elevate your revision sessions and enable your students to re-engage, discuss all the concepts, and have a clear update of the knowledge they possess.

Bilingual Content – Both in Hindi and English
Develop the academic competence of students by making them understand concepts in multiple languages. Teach concepts more effectively through the use of the native language, which provides a contextual basis for learning and allows students to keep pace with their peer group while acquiring the language they will need to learn to interact effectively in today’s society.

Monitor progress and content usage report
Evaluate the usage of content and have a precise and valuable insight on the progress and status of students without any complexity with the progress and usage report.

Real life videos and science experiments
Ensuring conceptual and procedural understanding creating an impact on student engagement, critical thinking and learning through real life videos and remote scientific or laboratory-based experiments.

Diagram, mapwork, history timelines and toppers answers
Help student learn the principle behind the phenomena and achieve large learning gains through creative and informative diagrams, mapworks for students to acquire skills of reading and interpretating data, history timelines to have a proper knowledge and understand the chronology of historic events quickly and able to relate and situate their knowledge with topper’s answers.

Change video speed, search content and bookmark favourite videos
Customise the speed of the video according to your teaching pace and student’s understanding level and explore wide range of content and bookmark your favourite videos at ease.

2 million+ learning resources
Encourage active learning and enhancement of creative and innovative skills for students by utilising the wide range of learning resources, making the educational process more attractive and interesting.

3000+ publishers mapped for personalised learning
With wide range of publisher's choice have access and support of the best quality resource materials, lessons, tests, digital content and much more with wide range of publishers and streamline learning.

This is back side contaOffering content of all the prominent, recognised and popular educational boards of the country. We ensure concepts to be conceptually, visually, theoretically and practically be well structured covering entire syllabus in a well sequential manner.ent.

Have a clear insight of the highs and lows of the students and evaluate their academic progress and allot improvement opportunities without any complexities with the performance tracking feature.

Notify your students regarding sessions, tests and assignments and have a better interactive and engaging user experience.